Thursday, June 18, 2009

A Gift from Glorious Garbage

The hail has been devastating. The rain has been torrential. The temperatures are almost cold. The other day I went out t talk to my discouraged, beat up little garden. There I found the squash leaves were shredded, the corn bedraggled, and the peas now non-existent. I wandered through the muddy patch and found the rocks were doing fine. Then I meandered back to the area where the new compost pile is growing by leaps and bounds.
And what to my wondering eyes should appear on the top of this gorgeous garbage but a huge squash plant – determined to survive. It is much larger than those I planted and appearing to be much healthier. What kind is it? That is yet to be determined. But it kind of makes you wonder – if you are what you eat . . . sautéed squash anyone?