Hello again. I am really concerned that there may be a whole bunch of you out there in blog land struggling with trying to stretch your budgets. And now the publicity and propaganda is really starting to spread about the miracle that will save your grocery money - the coupon.
For your own good, or rather your budget's good, please don't get sucked into this campaign. For that is exactly what it is! It is a campaign by the grocery manufacturers to convince you that the coupon really does help you. It really doesn't!
My research into couponing and refunding inside the grocery industry is why I was on all of the talk shows a few years ago. Coupons are a deceiving marketing tool created by the grocery industry. They will become a hot ticket item every time the economy goes down the drain to the point where you and I are crying all the way to the check out.
The more a "coupon queen" claims to be able to save, the more will have to have been spent on brand name products.
The rage right now is supposedly saving with coupons and a sale. This will only last so long and the grocery stores will be hurting and put a stop to it. In the meantime the market - or zip code areas - where it is being promoted will be used as a "drop or dump" for more coupons, which in turn convince you to buy only specific brand name products.
Would you find it interesting to know that those of us who live in less expensive neighborhoods-and thus zip codes - do not receive coupons in the mail, nor in our newspaper inserts.
Coupons are not a sound shopping concept! Right now they are once again becoming a raging fad because of the economy.
And yes, I will probabbly get a lot of emails to the contrary. That's OK. I just want you to think again and be frugal with your budgets in a way that will help, not hinder.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
What Won't Help Your Budget?
Posted by Barbara Salsbury at 12:42 AM
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